Accelerate the recovery, accelerate the development of the tourism industry

16/03/2023 1016 0
On the morning of March 15, at the Government Headquarters, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired a national online conference on tourism in 2023 with the theme "Accelerating recovery - Accelerating development".

Conference scene.

Also attending were Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha; representatives of leaders of ministries, branches and central agencies; key corporations and enterprises; Online bridge points at the headquarters of the People's Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities.

According to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, after reopening tourism activities, in the context of many challenges and difficulties, with the Government's unified, transparent and drastic leadership and direction. , Prime Minister, the timely and effective participation of the whole political system, along with the solidarity and efforts of the business community and localities across the country, the tourism industry has been active, proactively implement recovery tasks and solutions and achieve important results. The number of domestic tourists set a new record, the competitiveness of Vietnam's tourism on the international level increased significantly and the awareness of the whole society about the spillover effects of the tourism industry in the following economy. After more than 2 years, the epidemic had positive changes.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attended and directed the conference.

In recent years, the tourism industry has made positive and important contributions to the socio-economic development of the country. Before the Covid-19 epidemic, the number of international arrivals increased 2.3 times within 4 years, from 7.9 million (in 2015) to 18 million (in 2019), an average growth of 22.7% per year. .

According to the annual reports of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), this is the highest level in the world. In 2019, the number of international visitors to Vietnam ranked third in the ASEAN region (after Thailand and Malaysia), growing 16.2%, much higher than the global average (3.8%) and the region. Asia and the Pacific (4.6%).

Meanwhile, domestic visitors increased by 1.5 times, from 57 million arrivals (in 2015) to 85 million arrivals (in 2019), an average growth of 10.5% per year. The rate of contribution to the national GDP of the tourism industry is up to 9.2%. Tourism contributes to hunger eradication and poverty alleviation, ensuring social security; preserve and promote cultural values; protect the environment and maintain national defense and security.

The conference takes place in person and online.

The system of material and technical facilities and infrastructure connections in service of tourism is increasingly developed; The system of tourism products has been formed to meet the diverse needs of the market. The competitiveness of Vietnam's tourism is increasingly improved, ranking 63/140 countries and territories in 2019, up 17 places compared to 2011. In 2021, ranking 52/117 economies, increasing 8 ranks compared to 2019. With 6/17 pillar indexes ranked among the top in the world, Vietnam is one of the 3 countries with the highest tourism growth rate.

The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic on a global scale has seriously affected the tourism industry in the world as well as in Vietnam. In 2020, the whole country only received 3.7 million international arrivals, serving 56 million domestic visitors, down 34% compared to the same period in 2019, the national average capacity of rooms was only 20%; 52% of tourism workers lost their jobs; total revenue from tourists reached VND 312,200 billion, down 57.8% compared to 2019.

The Prime Minister addressed the conference.

From November 2021, Vietnam has initially piloted welcoming international tourists. In 2021, Vietnam welcomes about 3,800 international tourists, serving about 40 million domestic tourists, the average capacity of the cabin is estimated at only 5%, only 25% of tourism workers can participate. full-time jobs, total revenue from tourists is estimated at about VND 180,000 billion, down 42% over the same period in 2020.

With the close direction of the Government, the Prime Minister, the coordination of ministries, branches and industry-wide efforts, tourism activities have gradually recovered, especially domestic tourism.

In terms of tourist arrivals and revenue: the domestic market has a rapid recovery and spectacular growth, is the foundation for the restoration of Vietnam's tourism activities, affirming its role in the overall development of Vietnam. The tourism industry in the context of global tourism activities still faces many difficulties. In 2022, the number of domestic visitors will reach 101.3 million (an increase of more than one and a half times the set target of 60 million arrivals, far exceeding the number of 85 million domestic arrivals in 2019). Total revenue from tourists reached VND 495 trillion, 23% higher than the plan and 66% compared to the 2019 record level.


Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung delivered a speech.

The number of international visitors to Vietnam reached 3.5 million (still down 80% compared to the same period in 2019), reaching 70% of the plan. However, the opening of international tourism has demonstrated the will and efforts of the whole industry to "break the ice" after nearly 2 years of closure. In the context that many competitor destinations and markets are still closed or limited, these can be said to be positive signals for the recovery of Vietnam's tourism.

With the permission to open from March 15, 2022, Vietnam is assessed by UNWTO as one of the countries with the most open-door policy in the world. Vietnam is also one of the earliest countries to open up in the region. Immediately after opening, data from Google's global market trend tracking tool showed that the international search volume for Vietnam tourism has continuously maintained the highest growth rate in the world. The number of international visitors to Vietnam has increased sharply. In April alone, international tourists to Vietnam reached about 70,000 arrivals and the number of international arrivals through Vietnam's airports in April 2022 was equal to the total of the previous 3 months combined...

Speaking at the opening of the Conference, on behalf of the Government, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh sent cordial greetings, kind regards and best wishes to all delegates attending the Vietnam National Tourism Conference. 3rd time. Looking back after the 2020 tourism conference, we have to face a fierce Covid-19 pandemic, causing damage to all economic sectors, especially the tourism industry. But under the leadership of the Party, the management of the State, the participation of the whole political system, the efforts of the people, the business community, the help of international friends, our country has made great progress. overcome the pandemic. In that context, the Party and State have paid great attention to and grasped the situation to come up with important countermeasures.

Therefore, we need to think to have more lessons learned to deal with emerging problems. When the pandemic occurred, we did not have much experience and did not fully understand the virus, so we had to take administrative measures to combat the epidemic with Directives 15 and 16 of the Prime Minister. At first, this measure was effective when the scale of spread was not much, but when the outbreak became larger, we changed the state of anti-epidemic by administrative measures to professional measures by the Vaccine Strategy, thanks to which has been successful in disease control and socio-economic recovery and development.

Delegates attending the conference.

In March 2022, we decided to open schools, open tourism… Up to now, the policy of the Party, State and Government at that time was very correct. It was a strategic turning point in the anti-epidemic process. Looking back at the past 2 years of epidemic prevention and control, the tourism industry has suffered heavy losses. The Prime Minister asked the question that Vietnam is a country that opens soon, fights epidemics and controls it well, is also a densely populated country, and a developing and transitioning economy.

However, compared to other countries in the region, in 2022, we have not reached the target of attracting tourists. This conference is an opportunity to look back on the development of the tourism industry during and one year after the pandemic, evaluate what has been done and not done, on the basis of reference to international experiences, from which to set out responsibilities. solutions in the coming time to find a way to overcome difficulties, turn threats into threats, take advantage of existing experiences and opportunities, take advantage of different potentials, outstanding opportunities, and competitive advantages of the industry. Tourism compared with countries in the region and the world to develop quickly and sustainably.

We need to implement Resolution 08 of the Politburo so that tourism is really a spearhead economic sector. The Prime Minister asked the delegates to focus on thinking and studying whether the development of the tourism industry is on the right track, has it taken advantage of the different potentials, outstanding opportunities and competitive advantages of each locality?

Besides objective reasons such as the Russia-Ukraine conflict, what is the subjective cause when in vaccination, Vietnam "goes first, then later", while tourism opens early but "goes ahead and returns late". Why is the rate of international tourists returning to Vietnam still low? correct and won? Why is there still fragmentation in tourism? Have we done a good job of promoting and promoting tourism? Information for tourists is lacking, weak despite promoting digital economy and digital transformation? What policies do we have to have a breakthrough in the near future, how is the infrastructure, how to promote and advertise? Then the issue of environmental sanitation, the issue of mobilizing resources for public-private cooperation to develop tourism, is the visa policy reasonable?…

Delegates attending the conference.

We must make the most of what we have done, good experiences, valuable lessons, develop culture associated with tourism, develop the entertainment industry. The Prime Minister affirmed that tourism cannot develop alone, tourism cannot develop if culture and entertainment industry do not develop. We need to see the experience of the surrounding countries in rural areas? What are the responsibilities of ministries, branches, businesses, associations, people and even the Government? All must join hands to develop the tourism industry.

No one blames anyone, but we have to find the way by the country's own characteristics, being flexible, not mechanical. Can the Prime Minister consider forming a movement that all join hands to build a green, clean and beautiful country for socio-economic development and sustainable tourism?

The Prime Minister stated that it is necessary to make efforts to develop the tourism industry into a spearhead economic sector of the country. After this conference, it is necessary to issue a Resolution of the Government to remove difficulties for the tourism industry, if necessary, a Decree or submit to the National Assembly to adjust and amend relevant laws.

The Prime Minister expects the delegates to come up with a plan to choose the focus and focus, allocate resources, lead, direct, organize the effective implementation, and do whatever ends up doing that. Planning and programs are both short-term and long-term, and resources must be appropriate to their ability.

According to People

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