17/10/2019 4329 0
The Vietnam National Administration of Tourism has just launched the #VietnamNOW photo contest on Facebook page to further promote Vietnam's tourism image to the world.


The Vietnam National Administration of Tourism has just launched the #VietnamNOW campaign, part of a communication strategy about traveling to Vietnam for foreign visitors. #VietnamNOW updates a more complete new perspective on Vietnam for tourists around the world. The campaign emphasizes the modern experiences, world-class tourism products that Vietnam brings to tourists, besides famous sights, tourist destinations, and cultural destinations.

“Vietnam has a multitude of potential travel options. We would like to introduce the best services and products of Vietnam tourism through #VietnamNOW message ”, Mr. Dinh Ngoc Duc, Director of Tourism Market Department, General Department of Tourism shared.

In addition to promoting Vietnamese cuisine, UNESCO World Heritage sites, long-standing cultural traditions and natural landscapes, #VietnamNOW also highlights modern travel experiences such as high-class golf courses, luxury resorts, adventure trips, and other interesting activities in the city ...

To launch the campaign, Vietnam National Administration of Tourism organized a #VietnamNOW photo contest on the official Facebook page @vietnamtourismboard. The competition starts from October 15 to 30, 2019.

Following the photo contest were activities organized by the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism and the Vietnam Tourism Advisory Council (TAB) to increase awareness for the campaign. Tourists can find information and inspiration for their journey to Vietnam on the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism's official website:

The #VietnamNOW campaign is scheduled to be launched by the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism at the World Travel Market London in November 2019, to encourage UK travelers planning to visit Vietnam.

According to Hanoimoi

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