Fire festival of Pa Then - Lam Binh district

19/08/2019 12928 0
Fire dance festival is a unique cultural activity of the Pa Cardn ethnic people. In the spiritual life of Pa Cardn people always think that there are gods who protect and help. Fire festival of Pa Then people has become a beauty of cultural and spiritual activities, showing the extraordinary strength of people who dare to cope with difficulties, challenges, and banish unfortunate things.

Fire dance festival is a unique cultural activity of the Pa Cardn ethnic people. In the spiritual life of Pa Cardn people always think that there are gods who protect and help. Fire festival of the Pa Cardn people has become a beauty of cultural and spiritual activities, showing the extraordinary strength of people who dare to cope with difficulties, challenges, and banish unfortunate things. According to the concept of the Pa Tagn ethnic group, the fire symbolizes life, the fullness of happiness and indispensability in life. Currently, the Pa Tagn ethnic group in Tuyen Quang province has 150 households with 686 people, living mainly in Hong Quang commune, Lam Binh district. Fire jumping is a typical festival of the Pa Cardn, usually held on January 16 of the lunar calendar every year to give thanks to the gods for a good harvest year, a prosperous life, and healthy people. sickness sickness.

The festival begins with the worshiping of the Pa Cardan prayers to the gods. Sacrifice includes a bowl of incense, a percussion, a chicken, 5 cups of wine, and paper money. When the Mo teacher knocks on the instrument and performs the rituals, the participants of the fire dance will sit opposite to the mo master and be allowed to "enter ghosts" and only for men. The ceremony period lasts 1-2 hours before the festival starts.

According to those who attended the Fire Festival of the Pa Cardn, while the spirit teacher is also a time for joining fire-fighters, the participants of the fire dance receive strength, ingenuity and compassion. brave. After the sacrificial ceremony ended, the Pa Tagn boys started participating in the Fire Dance Festival, they danced on the embers of burning charcoal without fear or burning in the cheers and cheers of the store. thousand audience. The men with bare feet jumped onto the red charcoal. Strangely, they jumped into the coal pile with such heat, but no one was burned, when they returned they all felt light weight and the body also felt colder. The specks of coal thrown into the sky made the viewers as well as visitors feel excited and curious about this activity.

It can be said that, while still bringing spiritual and mysterious colors, the traditional fire-dancing festival of the Pa Cardn ethnic group is a testament to the strength, labor process, and control of nature to survive and develop. of human. This is not only a happy day for the Pa Cardn village, not only has a meaning to connect the community but also preserves a lot of traditional cultural values ​​from generation to generation. Fire Festival of the Pàn people has a long history, with the cultural and scientific values ​​of the heritage. In 2012, the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism introduced the Pompan fire festival of the Pa Cardn scratch list of national intangible cultural heritage phase 1, in order to preserve and promote a unique festival, imbued with ethnic cultural identity and attracted a large number of community participation.

Each ethnic group has its own cultural identities, with unique and impressive traditional cultures dating back to now, the Pa Cardn still retains many traditional cultural traits of their people, this is also This is the potential for Lam Binh district to attract domestic and international tourists. The fire-dancing festival is still held regularly and kept pristine by the Pa Cardn people in Hong Quang commune, Lam Binh district, is one of the events that attracts many tourists when they want to explore the unique culture of the people. Pa Cardn ethnic group in particular as well as the northern mountainous ethnic groups in general. Along with the fire dance festival, visitors also enjoy some special performances as well as witness the ritual of pulling baseball of the Pa Cardn ethnic group.

Tuyen Quang province is gradually building a fire festival to become a special tourism "product" to attract domestic and foreign tourists who want to discover the unique culture of the Pa Cardn ethnic group in each Tet to Spring Festival. about ....

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