Positioning Tuyen Quang Tourism brand

06/05/2021 1531 0
Located in the center of the Northern mountains, Tuyen Quang possesses extremely rich and diverse natural and human resources.

Thanks to those advantages, Tuyen Quang has created unique, attractive tourism products with local identity. However, in order to create a sustainable brand, Tuyen Quang needs to continue to find specific products to position tourism in this land.

Du khách đi thuyền ngắm cảnh khu bảo tồn thiên nhiên Quốc gia Na Hang - Lâm Bình

Colors of Tuyen Quang

Tuyen Quang is a land rich in history, culture and rich in revolutionary traditions. This place is known as the "Capital of the liberated zone - the capital of the resistance", where President Ho Chi Minh and the Central Party's headquarters worked, successfully led the general uprising in August 1945 and the revolution. resistance against the French colonialists. As a result, the province has many famous revolutionary historical sites such as Lan Na Naa, Tan Trao communal house, Tan Trao banyan tree, Hong Thai communal house….

Not only that, Tuyen Quang is also blessed by nature with a fresh and cool climate and a strictly preserved primeval forest system, including a special national-level scenic spot Na Hang - Lam Binh being Tuyen Quang collaborated with Bac Kan province to make a dossier and submit it to UNESCO for the recognition of Na Hang natural heritage site (Tuyen Quang) - Ba Be (Bac Kan) as a world natural heritage. Not only that, Tuyen Quang also possesses a lot of potential for strong development of eco-tourism - resort combined with medical treatment, typically My Lam mineral spring tourist area.

Not only rich in natural resources. Tuyen Quang also possesses extremely attractive humanistic tourism resources because this place used to be one of the "cradles" of the ancient Vietnamese, as evidenced by archaeological sites and artifacts found. such as the remains of the ancient Vietnamese dating from 12,000 to 8,000 years ago at Phia Vai cave, Phia Muon; the blades of axes, knives, arrows, spears, drums ... of stone, bronze. Along with that, there are 560 relics and a diverse system of intangible cultural heritages of ethnic groups that are preserved and promoted.

Palm beach - attractive attractions in Na Hang National Nature Reserve - Lam Binh

Looking for special products

Not outside the "general formula" of the tourism development trend, each locality that wants to develop tourism needs to find for itself a product with a unique and outstanding product to create its own brand. Tuyen Quang is no exception. Mr. Hoang Viet Phuong, Vice Chairman of Tuyen Quang Provincial People's Committee shared: In the period of 2021 - 2025, Tuyen Quang identifies tourism as an important economic sector, on that basis builds projects and master plans on development. tourism development, focusing on building special products to position Tuyen Quang tourism brand such as Tan Trao special national relic site; Na Hang - Lam Binh special national scenic spot; Especially, Tuyen Citadel Festival will be one of the unique and unique tourism products of the province.

Appreciating the specific products of Tuyen Quang, but Director of Vietsense Tourism Company Nguyen Van Tai also pointed out the limitations in infrastructure, traffic, services, information technology… “Tuyen Quang it is necessary to determine the investment and development with focus, focus and Na Hang - Lam Binh area so that this place becomes the province's own brand, just like when mentioning Quang Ninh, people say Ha Long; When it comes to Lao Cai, people talk about Sapa… The development formula of Tuyen Quang in the next 10 years should be 3-3-3-1, according to which: 30% is re-planning natural resources to build products. attract visitors; 30% of investment in infrastructure systems and services; 30% develop information technology, step up promotion and advertising activities; The remaining 10% is to catch up with domestic and international tourism trends…” Mr. Nguyen Van Tai said.

Sharing the same view, Mr. Nguyen Quy Phuong, Director of the Travel Department, Vietnam National Administration of Tourism said that: Brand positioning will bring attraction and attract tourists to the locality, thereby having investment resources. infrastructure investment. Tuyen Quang can promote tourism brand promotion with the image of sustainable community-based tourism models in Na Hang - Lam Binh or promote agricultural tourism associated with OCOP products for people and localities. enjoy category. Along with that, Tuyen Quang should also aim to invite KOLs (influential people) to connect with tour operators to promote and promote the brand; calling on people, tourists and artists to contribute photos and videos to promote, stimulate people to travel to Tuyen Quang and attract investors to the province... By doing so, the Tuyen Quang brand name Quang will soon be located on the tourist map in the near future.

According to the new Hanoi Newspaper 

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