Survey on Tuyen Quang - Ha Giang tourism development

18/10/2023 1821 0
On October 13 and 14, Ma Li Pho International Travel Co., Ltd., Yunnan province (China) surveyed connecting the Song Gam tourist route, Bac Me district (Ha Giang) with Na Hang ecological lake. - Lam Binh (Tuyen Quang).

The group surveyed the tourist route of the Na Hang - Lam Binh ecological lake.

Participating in the survey team were Ma Li Pho International Travel Co., Ltd., Yunnan province (China); leaders of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Tuyen Quang and Ha Giang provinces; leader of the Tourism Promotion Information Center of Ha Giang province; leader of the Management Board of Tuyen Quang province's tourist areas; leader of Na Hang district (Tuyen Quang); leader of Bac Me district (Ha Giang); specialized agencies of Na Hang and Lam Binh districts (Tuyen Quang) and Bac Me district (Ha Giang).


The delegation conducted a survey of the route from Song Gam, Bac Me district (Ha Giang) to Na Hang - Lam Binh Ecological Lake (Tuyen Quang).

Accordingly, the delegation conducted a survey of the route from Gam River, Bac Me district (Ha Giang) to Na Hang - Lam Binh Ecological Lake (Tuyen Quang). Survey content evaluates the type of tourism, services on Song Gam lake bed, boat wharves, quantity, quality, prices of ships, boats, services on boats, stops on tourist routes on the lake bed Gam River.

Discussion on tourism development cooperation between Ha Giang and Tuyen Quang provinces (Vietnam) and Yunnan province tourism enterprises (China).

The parties held a discussion at the People's Committee of Na Hang district, discussed, assessed favorable conditions and what needs to be done to meet the requirements of welcoming Chinese market tourists to Bac Me district (Ha Giang). , connecting to Lam Binh - Na Hang district of Tuyen Quang province.

During the survey, representatives of Ma Li Pho International Travel Co., Ltd. (China) highly appreciated the natural landscape, rich people, and developed services. This is a great potential to connect and bring Chinese tourists to visit and experience in Ha Giang and Tuyen Quang.

According to Tuyen Quang province's foreign affairs information page

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