Na Hang needs to focus on developing eco-tourism, community, and festivals with its own identity

09/04/2024 672 0
On April 8, the working delegation worked to implement a number of cultural, sports and tourism fields of the province led by comrade Hoang Viet Phuong, Member of the Provincial Party Executive Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee as the delegation leader. surveyed in Na Hang district.

The delegation surveyed and inspected a number of tourist destinations in Na Hang district.

The delegation conducted a field survey in Na Kha village, Nang Kha commune; Pu Hoanh tourist destination in the ecological lake area and working with the People's Committee of Na Hang district on the implementation situation and results of the province's resolutions, decisions, projects, schemes and plans in the field of culture , sports and tourism in the area. Accompanying the delegation were leaders of a number of departments, branches and branches of the province.

According to the report of Na Hang district leaders, in 2023 the district will welcome nearly 250 thousand visitors, reaching 137% of the year's plan. The district has a lot of potential for eco-tourism in the lake and primeval forests; festival tourism, community tourism. Currently, the district is building 3 cultural and tourist villages: Khau Trang (Hong Thai), Na Kha (Nang Kha), Ban Bung (Thanh Tuong); develop typical tourism products such as eco-tourism in the special national scenic spot Na Hang-Lam Binh Nature Reserve; Community tourism associated with promoting traditional cultural values; Long Tong festival tourism; Cereal Pounding Festival, Pear Blossom Festival, night market.

The delegation surveyed the tourist destination Pu Hoanh, Nang Kha commune.

Implementing Resolution No. 29 of the Provincial Party Executive Committee on developing tourism into an important economic sector, Na Nang district has seriously directed, managed, and implemented implementation in the area, creating transformation. positive. In 2023, the district has supported nearly 850 million VND for a number of homestays, performance teams, waste collection, and construction of public toilets.

However, the development of tourism in Na Hang district is not commensurate with its potential and advantages, requiring a general dismantling of planning, policy mechanisms, and creating favorable conditions for businesses to invest in tourism in the locality. Airy and convenient.

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Hoang Viet Phuong and the delegation worked with leaders of Na Hang district.

At the meeting, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Hoang Viet Phuong evaluated Na Hang district's efforts in developing local tourism. Through the working survey of the working group, he affirmed that Na Hang has many potentials and advantages for tourism development and suggested that the district focus on developing focused tourism, building products. , typical service, with its own identity.

Localities should avoid widespread tourism development when resources are limited. The district also needs to have good policies to attract many organizations and individuals with financial capacity and reputation in business to invest in tourist areas, destinations, and tourism products.

He assigned the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism to synthesize delegates' opinions on difficulties and obstacles in planning and attracting investment in tourism to report to the provincial leaders for appropriate solutions. consistent with reality, promoting rapid but sustainable tourism development.

In the afternoon of the same day, at the headquarters of the People's Committee of Na Hang district, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Hoang Viet Phuong chaired the meeting to listen to the explanation of the consulting unit of Monuments Restoration and Landscape Architecture Joint Stock Company (Hanoi) Planning tasks to preserve, embellish and promote the value of special national landscapes Na Hang-Lam Binh Nature Reserve, Tuyen Quang province associated with tourism development to 2030, vision to the year 2050.

The goal of the planning is to preserve, embellish and preserve the Na Hang-Lam Binh Nature Reserve as a natural museum with typical and outstanding values of biodiversity, landscape and archeology. learn. Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Hoang Viet Phuong assigned the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism to preside over and coordinate with consulting companies, Na Hang and Lam Binh districts, and related units to coordinate to complete the planning and submit it to the Standing Committee. The Provincial Party Committee will give comments in the near future.

According to Tuyen Quang Newspaper online

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