Tuyen Quang City issued a code of conduct during the 2024 Thanh Tuyen Festival

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To create a highlight and bring visitors many experiences during the Thanh Tuyen Festival, Tuyen Quang City has issued the "Code of conduct for building Tuyen Quang city's culture "Civilized - Friendly - Clean and beautiful" in Thanh Tuyen Festival 2024".

Thanh Tuyen Festival annually attracts a large number of people, domestic and foreign tourists to enjoy the full moon festival.

The set of rules includes 10 rules: Tourists need to comply with regulations, rules, and instructions at the destination, behave civilly and friendly; Organizations and individuals doing tourism business comply with local regulations, publicly list and sell services at the correct price, behave properly, and respect customers; For travel businesses, ensure prestige, provide services in accordance with the travel program committed to customers, do not take advantage or make illegal profits, build brand, quality tourism products and services ; Tour guides always uphold professional ethics, serve according to the company's program, are warm, friendly, responsible, and enthusiastic.

For accommodation establishments, use safe and quality products and services to provide tourists and staff with neat, polite clothing and publicly post service prices; Tourist transport units provide services that ensure safety, civility, friendly treatment of guests, and always clean vehicles; Restaurants strictly comply with food hygiene and safety procedures, publicly post unit prices, and provide dedicated and attentive service; Shopping spots serving tourists publicly list prices, giving priority to supporting the sale of locally produced products and goods; Attractions and tourist spots ensure a clean, beautiful and friendly landscape environment, respect for tourists, and receive and quickly respond to tourist comments; As for the residential community, it is necessary to be polite and friendly with tourists, enthusiastically guide and help guests when requested, and preserve the community's national cultural identity.


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