The Culture, Sports and Tourism industry has many efforts, innovations and creativity

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On the afternoon of January 26, at the Royal Center Event Center (Tuyen Quang City), Tuyen Quang Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism held a conference to summarize work in 2023 and deploy tasks in 2024.

Attending the conference were comrade Hoang Viet Phuong, Member of the Provincial Party Executive Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; leaders of a number of departments, divisions, branches and agencies of the province; Representatives of districts and cities.

The delegates to the conference.

In 2023, Tuyen Quang's Culture, Sports and Tourism industry has closely followed the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, the executive direction of the Provincial People's Committee, and the professional guidance of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, focusing on Implement and basically complete the targets and goals set out in 2023.

The Department proactively advises and organizes outstanding cultural, sports and tourism events, creating a strong impression in the hearts of tourists and people such as: Spring Festival Welcome Program in 2023; Opening of the Ho Chi Minh Cultural Space to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Outline of Vietnamese culture (1943 - 2023); Opening program of Tuyen Quang Province Tourism Year 2023 and awarding "Asian City Landscape Award" to "Nguyen Tat Thanh Square - Essence of mountains and forests" and the 2nd International Hot Air Balloon Festival - year 2023; Tourism development cooperation program "Through Viet Bac heritage regions" and Thanh Tuyen Festival in 2023...

Authorized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, presented by Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Hoang Viet Phuong

Emulation flag in 2023 for the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Regarding digital transformation and implementing the task of breakthrough innovation, the industry has focused on advising the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, and People's Committee to approve investment policies for projects to preserve and embellish special National Monuments. Tan Trao; Approving the Thanh Tuyen Festival Innovation Project for the period 2023-2025; Project to develop typical tourism products in Tuyen Quang province for the period 2022 - 2030 submitted to the Provincial People's Committee for approval.

At the same time, complete the construction and use of athlete management software; Deploying steps to build Tuyen Quang Provincial Digital Library. Maintain and implement the Cultural Heritage Management Software System; Smart travel portal; 18-point virtual reality tour project (VR360) for outstanding tourism in the province; Use electronic library software...

Tuyen Quang Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism actively participates in national and regional shows, competitions, and festivals, all achieving high results. In 2023, there will be 4 intangible cultural heritages included in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; 5 historical, cultural and scenic relics are ranked as provincial-level relics by the Provincial People's Committee.

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Hoang Viet Phuong awarded Certificates of Merit from the Provincial People's Committee to groups and individuals.

In 2023, the whole province will have 196,520/210,267 households achieving the title of "Cultural Family", reaching 93.5% of the total number of households; 1,680/1,733 residential areas achieved the title of cultural residential areas, reaching 96.9% of the total number of residential areas.

The Department participated in 17 national sports tournaments, winning 127 medals of all kinds; 16 athletes reached master level, 48 athletes reached level I.

In 2023, attract 2,650,000 tourists, reaching 106% of the year's plan, an increase of 12% over the same period; Total revenue from tourists reached over 3,200 billion VND, reaching 107% of the year's plan, up 29% over the same period.

Orientation for 2024, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism strives to attract 2,750,000 tourists, build 4 new commune cultural houses; New construction, upgrading and repair of 68 cultural houses in villages and residential groups.

Authorized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism awarded medals to individuals.

In the whole province, 91% of households achieved the title of cultural family; 89% of villages, hamlets and residential groups achieved the title of cultural village or hamlet. The number of people participating in regular exercise and sports reached 34%, organizing 120 professional art performances, 1,295 mobile film screenings, and adding 7,700 copies of new books.

Speaking at the conference, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Hoang Viet Phuong acknowledged and praised the efforts of the province's Culture, Sports and Tourism sector in the past year.

He suggested that the industry focus on a number of key tasks in 2024: continue to effectively implement the Vietnam Cultural Development Strategy for the period 2021-2030; Directive No. 07-CT/TU dated September 11, 2023 of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and plans and directive documents of the Provincial People's Committee on building and developing culture and people of Tuyen Quang meet requirements for comprehensive and sustainable development.

At the same time, advise on solutions to implement Resolution No. 29-NQ-TU dated June 16, 2021 of the Provincial Party Executive Committee on developing tourism to become an important economic sector of the province.

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and delegates witnessed the signing ceremony of the 2024 emulation contract of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

The industry needs to improve the quality and effectiveness of advising and organizing cultural and artistic activities and events to celebrate the country's major holidays and important political events in the province, especially Advise and organize the opening program of Tuyen Quang Tourism Year 2024; Thanh Tuyen Festival 2024 is associated with national and regional activities and major provincial events of the year in a methodical and professional way.

Along with that, there are solutions to preserve, promote values, and develop culture commensurate with economic development; Well organize sports tournaments, focus on investing in key sports and strengths of the province; Promote the implementation of communication, promotion, and reform of administrative procedures of the industry; Improve the quality of staff...

On this occasion, the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism presented the 2023 Emulation Flag to the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Tuyen Quang and awarded Medals to 29 individuals of Tuyen Quang province; The Government Inspector General awarded medals to 2 individuals; Chairman of the People's Committee awarded Certificates of Merit to 3 groups and 3 individuals; Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism awarded Certificates of Merit to 6 groups and 52 individuals. At the same time, launching and signing an emulation contract in 2024.

According to Tuyen Quang Online Newspaper


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