Spectacular and impressive festival

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The series of opening activities of the 14th Viet Bac Heritage Areas Travel Program and the 2023 Thanh Tuyen Festival have ended, but its echoes still remain with many levels of emotions, echoing forever in the hearts of the people. representatives, tourists and people at home and abroad. Mr. Kwon Sung Taek, Permanent Vice President, General Director of the Korea - Vietnam Economic and Cultural Association affirmed that he was surprised and overwhelmed by the grandeur, brilliance and impressiveness of the festival. Surely his life and the Korean delegation will forever remember this unforgettable memory.

A festival of joy, music and lights

General public opinion rates this year's festival season as successful in many aspects.

A musical performance by children at the Thanh Tuyen Festival. Photo: Minh Hoa

This year, Tuyen Quang proactively built plans and deployed activities very early, with the highest goal of turning the Thanh Tuyen Festival into a national festival, reaching an international level and turning the tourism economy into a national festival. important economic sector.

Thanh Tuyen Festival is likened to an outdoor bar, when light, music and joy fill the streets of Tuyen Quang, on every face of residents and tourists.

The weather this year's festival season is favorable, sunny, suitable for crowded outdoor activities. The communication work was carried out methodically, launched on all platforms, attracting a lot of attention from tourists, especially young people, and the excitement of people, hamlets and residential groups above. locality. Never before has the festival been stirred up by the Mid-Autumn Festival lantern parades from the full moon day of July, about 1 month before the main festival.

The parade of models is colorful and sparkling. Photo: To Mai

The creativity of this year's giant lamp artisans has created a brilliant Mid-Autumn Festival, with many beautiful, creative, artistic models that satisfy viewers. The renovation of the Thanh Tuyen Festival, centered on the innovation of the Mid-Autumn Festival lamp model, has initially had promising results. Dragon Boats, Fire Phoenixes, or lamp models illustrating historical characters and cartoon characters are created by artisans, creating a lively and meaningful fairy tale world. To ensure fire safety, Mid-Autumn Festival lamp model cars must undergo a safety check on the electrical system, and each car must have 3 fire extinguishers.
The stage and art program are sparklingly beautiful, like being lost in a fairy garden. The bustling lyrics and dances of children and famous artists make the festival season even more exciting and exciting.

In addition to organizing the Trade - Tourism Fair, Hanoi Beer Festival and displaying and introducing the quintessence of Vietnamese cuisine and Tuyen cuisine like every year, this year the festival has an additional Festival of Cultural and Tourism Villages. community of 6 Viet Bac provinces and the Cinema Program connecting Tuyen Quang heritage and tourism. The Cinema program opens up many new directions for the province, in enhancing the promotion of Tuyen Quang culture and tourism.

Delegates visit booths at the 2023 Tuyen Quang Trade and Tourism Fair within the framework of the Thanh Tuyen Festival.

Some problems need to be fixed

Besides the remarkable aspects, Thanh Tuyen Festival cannot avoid limitations that need to be overcome and lessons learned to make the next festival season more and more perfect. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Kha, a Hanoi tourist, shared that after the full moon day of July when he went to Tuyen Quang to visit, in the evenings of Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays he saw the streets crowded, like a giant outdoor bar. . To make this fun party safe, according to Mr. Kha, next year, motorbikes and cars should be banned from the roads on certain days and time frames. As for Ms. Tran Bich Diep, a tourist in Ho Chi Minh City, she confided that she saw a beautiful square, but there was no empty space left. Thanh Tuyen Festival is reaching a national level, expanding the square space is also something that needs to be done immediately.

Performance by Tuyen Quang troupe.

Another difficulty for visitors is that there is not a large enough parking lot in the area near the event center. Cars have to park all over the road, on the sidewalk, and ticket prices are different for each place. Many types of street vendors, selling toys and snacks appear, eating according to the festival season, quality and price are not controlled. Many places charge high prices, causing bad reputation and misunderstanding for Tuyen Quang people. After each night of festival performances, a large amount of waste appears, making it difficult to collect and clean the environment.

The Vietnamese Cinema Industry surveyed a number of new projects in Tuyen Quang on the occasion of the Festival.

Ms. Le Thi Hao, Ha Dong District (Hanoi City) shared that many friends shared that the prices of hotels and motels in the inner city area have increased. She chose to stay in an area on the outskirts of the city. Prices increased compared to normal days but there was no sudden change. Small services such as parking, street refreshments, and selling children's toys are very pricey! Especially the parking service, some places charge 5 thousand VND but some places charge up to 15 to 20 thousand VND/motorbike, 50 thousand VND/car. This requires intervention to unify prices, avoiding inconvenience for tourists when many places arbitrarily increase prices. The service is small but "easy to lose points".

Tens of thousands of tourists come to Thanh Tuyen Festival.

Thanh Tuyen Festival has become a unique brand, the pride of Tuyen Quang people. Tourism development is associated with many attractive services, Tuyen's specialties are chosen by tourists. Therefore, price stabilization is extremely necessary to create professionalism for Tuyen tourism to "take off" and fly high.

Delegates, children and people at the festival.

Overall, this year's festival in Tuyen Quang was successfully organized and allowed the media and friends at home and abroad to see the province's innovation. Paying attention to limitations early to overcome them will help Thanh Tuyen Festival bring a national brand and reach an international level; contributing to making tourism an important economic sector of the province.

According to Tuyen Quang Newspaper online


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