Discovered a new cave like a 'maze of battle' in Na Hang, Tuyen Quang

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Recently, Na Hang district, Tuyen Quang province has conducted a survey of the newly discovered cave in Khau Quang area, in the territory of Na Kha village, Nang Kha commune.

This cave was discovered by the forest ranger in charge of the area about a month ago during a forest patrol. The road to the cave is quite convenient, from the center of Khau Quang residential area, Na Kha village, the discoverer walks about 20-25 minutes to the cave entrance.

The discovery of this cave is only the initial result in the survey process, there may be many unexplored caves in the locality. Some caves have large spaces, beautiful stalactites, and potential for tourism exploitation.

This cave system includes many new stalactites, unspoiled beauty, unique shapes; The bottom of the cave has puddles of water flowing down from the stalactites, the water is clear. The cave structure is diverse and complex, the passages inside the cave are relatively numerous and winding.

Currently, the survey team has only explored about 150m, but according to the assessment, this cave is still very deep with many more impressive stalactites and rocky beaches.

It is known that after this survey, the People's Committee of Na Hang District and the People's Committee of Nang Kha Commune will check the safety of this cave; develop specific plans on cave conservation as well as eco-tourism development here.

Here are a few more pictures at this cave:


Theo Trang thông tin đối ngoại tỉnh Tuyên Quang


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